Mrs. Graham

Glendale Fire Hydrant Contest Winners
We are very excited to announce the following students as winning designs for the Glendale Hydrant program. Certificates of appreciation have been given to the winning students. The response was fantastic with over 800 designs submitted for 59 hydrants to be painted. Channel 15 also did a piece on the project which is online. The Arizona Republic will be doing additional features on this project but the date has not been released yet. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!! This project is a community project allowing the students to have a since of pride by taking something ordinary and turning into art.

Highland Lakes Art                                Mrs. Graham

Welcome to Mrs. Graham's Art Page
"Art is not a treasure in the past or an importation from another land, but part of the present life of all living and creating peoples."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Highland Lakes Art Curriculum
All art programs in the Deer Valley Unified School District, including ours at Highland Lakes, are committed to designing developmentally-appropriate experiences for students which foster creativity, critical thinking skills, problem solving and self-expression for life-long learning. We are able to use traditional art materials as well as current technology.

The integrity of a curriculum depends on its diversity, integration and exploration of creative problem solving. Art is a form of universal communication, a celebration of our uniqueness. Art education at Highland Lakes encourages a student to expand his or her awareness of their environment. The whole child as an artist is guided to share his or her feelings and impact others while learning self discipline. We use art as a vehicle for knowing and understanding the world. It is active experiential learning in a meaningful context. Art is an essential part of the curriculum at Highland Lakes. Feel free to stop by and take a look at the curriculum materials any time, or you can check out the Arizona State Standards for Visual Art online. You might also want to check out Deer Valley School District's Art Page for current information on all the arts in our district. 
Arts Standards for Arizona or
I would love to hear your comments. Email me: [email protected]
Or call (623) 376-4346h.